It has been a big year for ThrivingPath: we expanded yoga asana instruction into four unique styles of class, offering a total of 11 postural classes a week. We doubled the offerings of meditation per week, rolling out two styles of instruction. And most importantly, we ramped up our facilitator-instructor training program, with a schedule of examinations, practice teaching sessions, and classroom apprenticeships/assistantships. All said and done, we offered a minimum of 13 classes per week. Class size was for the most part more steady than in previous years.
As of March 2020, above and beyond the current scheduled curriculum, we also completed lessons in facilitator training and yoga philosophy for advanced students and those volunteering their time to the program. Some modules included: pelvic anatomy and the sacrum, Nagarjuna’s negative dialectics, pranayama and the subtle body, and welcoming emotions into the asana practice.
6 assistant facilitators completed examinations in teaching sun salutations.
Of those, 5 have passed examinations in sequencing and teaching standing postures. 4 routinely co-teach chair yoga. Resident population has grown accustomed to having assistant facilitators in the room, and accepting instruction from those facilitators.
